The Invisalign Process
Invisalign involves a series of clear plastic aligners designed just for you to gradually shift your teeth into proper alignment. In addition to being discreet, aligners are easy to wear and much more comfortable than bulky metal braces.
Your journey to straighter teeth begins with a digital scan, which allows us to create a 3D model of your smile on our computer. Dr. Ori, our skilled Invisalign clinician, will use this model to create your customized Invisalign treatment plan and show you what your smile will look like once your treatment is complete. During this appointment, we can provide you with an estimate of the length of time needed for your treatment and the number of aligners required to help you achieve your results. Invisalign fabricates all of your aligners and sends them to our office, then treatment is ready to begin.
The cost of Invisalign aligner therapy varies based on the number of aligners needed and the length of treatment, but we can provide you with a quote during your free consultation. If you are interested in learning about financing, we can go over your options with you at this time.
We continue to keep up with any new clear aligner systems available on the market to ensure that we’re providing the best treatment options for our patients, but Invisalign remains the gold standard for clear aligner therapy. Invisalign is more predictable, faster, and has no hidden fees when compared to alternative aligner systems.
To get started with Invisalign, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Ori today.