#1 It Is Easier To Take Care Of Oral Hygiene

One of the keys to the success of your Invisalign is a regular brushing and flossing regimen. During this process, the usual morning and evening routine is not enough, ideally, you should be flossing, brushing and rinsing after every meal.

This is a challenge during the summer when we tend to be out and about enjoying the beautiful weather. The cooler temperatures of winter mean we spend more time indoors. This makes it a lot easier for you to establish the right dental hygiene habits before the warmer weather sets in.

#2 You May Have More Appointment Flexibility

Once you have been given your first Invisalign aligners, your orthodontist will want to see you on a regular basis to check your process and answer any questions you may have. Because we stay home more in the winter, it is easier to keep these appointments. During the summer, the lure of outdoor activities can lead to cancellations.

To Get Invisalign During The Winter
#3 You’ll Have A Beautiful Smile By Summer

When you start your Invisalign process, your orthodontist will give you an idea of how long it will take. Knowing that will enable you to make the right decision for yourself regarding the timing, but for many people starting Invisalign during the early part of winter can result in you having a stunning smile in time for the summer. Whether you are looking for a beach-ready smile to take on vacation, or a professional smile for summer seasonal work, you’ll be good to go.

#4 You’ll Have Time To Learn The Ropes

Like anything new, Invisalign aligners take some getting used to. Being indoors more through the winter is a perfect time to become accustomed to wearing the aligners. You will also have time to adjust to your new cleaning routine.

#5 Winter Mask-Wearing Is Probably Here To Stay

The pandemic may eventually go away, but it is likely that mask-wearing is here to stay, at least during the winter months. A lot of people are self-conscious about their smiles during the early stages of Invisalign. If you’re wearing a mask anyway, you don’t have to worry. You can simply go about your day as you always would, and when it is safe for you to remove your mask, the people around you will be wowed by your smile.

To Get Invisalign During The Winter